Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause

Red Tent: the sacred space of women

What is the Red Tent The Red Tent is historically the sacred place of women, the place where all the passing moments such as the arrival of first menstruation, marriage, motherhood, menopause, illness, and death were celebrated. The red color of the Tent connects...

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Conscious childbirth = home birth?

I start from this question to bring you some thoughts with the "usual" goal of simply giving insights to everyone's personal reflections. There is much talk of "obstetrical violence," referring by this to all those practices and/or dynamics, typical of hospital...

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EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT FEMININE today. Disconnected, disconnected, confused, disillusioned more and more women feel that everything they have learned about the feminine has proven dysfunctional and disempowering. Lipsticks? Stiletto heels? Hypercurate? or...

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The body during each month, changes from phase to phase and gives different signals. Let's find out together correlations and meanings of the physical signs we may encounter at different stages of the cycle. WHAT IT IS. A first level course, to begin an in-depth...

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Cycle, women and everyday life: courses with Ciclika®

At last all the work of study, research and counseling that has accrued over the past few years on the feminine, with the feminine, for the feminine is taking shape in a series of specific course offerings and trainings dedicated to women who want to know themselves...

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Overcoming limits takes kindness

When we think about our limits we often fall into the great sea of illusion: we delude ourselves into thinking we have no limits where we are completely imprisoned by them, and we seem to have insurmountable ones where it would suffice to change our perspective by a...

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YOU WERE NOT BORN TO HAVE BALLS – online seminar Dec. 19/20

?? "I'll manage, thank you." ??‍? "I don't feel like asking for help." ??‍♀️ "If you don't fight, men will crush you." ?? "But where are the men with balls?" ?????????: How many times have you thought one of these sentences? I imagine many. ⚠️ Being a woman with balls...

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THE SEASONS OF WOMEN EPANOUIE RED CURTAIN CYCLE Transformation and integration are qualities of the feminine that enable us to grow and evolve in harmony with life. As nature teaches us, nothing is lost everything is transformed. And so from season to season each...

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Red Tent Online “New Beginnings” – Sept. 16, 2020

Life is made up of restarts, of new beginnings, some decided at the table, some offered by life, and others arrived suddenly without quite understanding why. The quality of a new beginning is closely related to the quality of what we leave behind and the confidence...

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Menstrual cycle reading session 1:1

Discover the Power of Individual Menstrual Cycle Reading Do you feel stuck with home, children, work and duties? It is time to take back control of your life. I know how you feel, I've been there myself. And I can tell you that there is a way out. At Ciclika we have...

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Red Tent “Women and the Gift Economy” – July 3, 2020

"Women, they give." This, which in nature is a genuine and grand movement has taken on very different and often dysfunctional connotations at the societal level. Women carry within them the power of giving: women give life, they give love, they give nourishment, they...

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Sexuality in pregnancy

When I introduced Metamedicine® in past articles, I mentioned founder Claudia Rainville's cult book "Every Symptom is a Message"-reissued with new additions a few years ago under the title Metamedicine® 2.0. But among Rainville's formidable books, one cannot fail to...

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Pregnancy and couple crisis

In the previous articles,"Metamedicine for Mother and Baby," we have seen how symptoms can present in pregnancy that tell us about imbalances and disharmonious states in our emotions. These states do not necessarily result in symptoms or discomfort or true pathology...

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Sisterhood Circle – Red Tent Online – March 25

Dear friends, how are you? It is a very dense time we are going through that is also full of opportunities I would like to reconstitute our circle, aided by technology, on March 25 as planned Of "as planned" I leave the date the rest will be ... in the making The...

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Red Tent Genoa “The Secrets of Women” March 25, 2020

In the ancestral consciousness we women are approached with secrets,magic and witches. In this tent we are going to explore what secrets are. Are we aware that we have secrets? Are they just ours or have they been handed down to us? How do they make us feel? Where do...

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Red Tent Genoa “What women don’t say” – Jan. 24, 2020

What women don't say I'm borrowing the title of a very famous song to put the focus of the January Red Tent on the unspoken We live in a social context in which unspoken words (of men and women) are the order of the day but perhaps women's unspoken words are something...

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Red Tent Genoa “The things I hold on to” – Nov. 7, 2019

Can a few days of flu and (weather) storm bring great transformation? yes ... especially if you are woman, cyclical ... and accept that you are one with what is there (inside and outside of you) I wanted to cancel the Red Tent on October 18 because I was physically...

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Red Tent “Harvest Moon” September 15, 2019

During this summer, I had the pleasure of meeting some of the women who participate in Red Tent, women who have completed the first season/year of Red Tent or who have been nurturing this sharing space for several years. Each recounted some moments, important passages...

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Red Tent Genoa “Kissed by the Moon” – July 16, 2019

Summer Full Moon Red Tent finally moves outdoors, into nature to celebrate July's Full Moon If the closed, protected place allows for intimacy and deep sharing, the open place will give us the opportunity to connect with each other through the energy of the elements....

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Red Tent Genoa “Women and Rage” – June 18, 2019

Angry women, warriors, idealists, capable of great gestures of love but also of extreme gestures of another sign Women tired of having to pay with their lives or with the fundamental rights of every human being (freedom, dignity, self-respect) for their choices Human...

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Genoa Red Tent “Women and Freedom” – May 16, 2019

The theme of FREEDOM has been one of the fundamental themes for all mankind since the dawn of time When we relate it to being a woman, the scenario takes on well-defined and explicit connotations sometimes very clear and sometimes more concealed by ideas, prejudices,...

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Red Tent Genoa “Women and Heartbreak” – March 29, 2019

In your life as a woman you have given, you have received, you have suffered, you have played, you have woven the most diverse, enriching, debasing, draining, enlightening relationships no matter how it went .... it matters that you have lived ... It matters that you...

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Red Tent “Tales of Childbirth” – May 9, 2019

We carry Life for nine months. Sometimes at first we have a little trouble getting used to this new condition Sometimes the greatest difficulty can occur when the time comes to "let it go" Ideas, desires, hopes and expectations are being formed fears doubts...

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Red Tent Genoa “The map of happiness” – March 1, 2019

I have a daughter who is passionate about maps, she draws maps of all kinds with the creativity and intuition of children It was she with her umpteenth drawing that inspired me with an intense fun and comprehensive work, which in a more streamlined and contextually...

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Savona Red Tent “Women’s Spring” – March 21

Women's spring Every woman experiences during her existence the gifts (some obvious, some to be known) and criticalities of cyclicality. Each woman experiences in her cyclicity the possibility of being "at least 4 different women each month" and experiencing more...

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You are the moon

Do you know the wonderful world of the menstrual cycle? One of the things I love about my work today is being able to bridge "seemingly" distant worlds In this case the bridge is between the "corporate," productive, efficiency, performance....a "masculine" vision and...

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Savona Red Tent Cycle “The Seasons of Women” – 2019

Red Tent Genoa is going for two! Welcoming the invitation to bring the magical women's circles to life in Savona as well, we will explore on a quarterly basis "THE SEASONS OF WOMEN" Every woman experiences during her existence the gifts (some obvious, some to be...

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Mother’s Heart … or Mom’s Ego?

Chronicle of a departure: mine Accompanied by my mother and daughter I arrive at the airport well in advance As we park the car, my daughter begins to say, with tears in her throat, "I don't want you to leave." I was prepared for this eventuality (or thought I was):...

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Metamedicine® for mother and child

As part of the maternity portal We Love Moms® I publish monthly exclusive articles dedicated to reading the "most common" symptoms and discomforts in pregnancy and postpartum through the keys of Metamedicine®. The fact that they are "common" does not mean that they...

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“Womb Matters” Red Tent – Oct. 10 – Luna Nuova

Each month Red Tent is enlivened by the most diverse women in terms of age, background, life stories, expectations... But, whether they are still cyclical or menopausal women, whether they are pregnant or without a (physical) uterus anymore each of them brings...

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Seeds of a late summer night : toward a new beginning

Summer. The season when fruits ripen...some are already ready to be picked ..others still need some time to ripen and be picked with the arrival of autumn. With the arrival of September comes the autumnal equinox, a transition that marks the arrival of "the time of...

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Rainbow Tent “Aladdin’s Lamp” – July 27

Aladdin's Lamp: journey into the world of wishes and endless possibilities Do you know the story of Aladdin and the magic lamp? Little Aladdin was taken by the evil wizard to the cave where a very large treasure was hidden-the wizard exploited Little Aladdin to get...

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Red Tent “RED TENT OF TALENTS” – July 11 Luna Nuova

Between July and August we will witness (and be called to take part with our energies) in 3 very powerful astrological phenomena-3 eclipses (between partial and total). "Eclipses make disappear what prevents us from being aligned with the true essence of our...

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Red Tent “Women and Change” – June 13, 2018

In Red Tent we talk about "life," and talking about life without contemplating change seems impossible. Sometimes it seems to us that someone succeeds very well in opposing change with granitic determination ...perhaps with some backlash Why oppose change? What does...

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Red Tent “Woman and Roots” – May 16

DO YOU FEEL YOU HAVE ROOTS? WHAT ARE ROOTS TO YOU? COME LEARN HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR ROOTS Do you ever feel the need to feel solid, stable, rooted to the ground? and instead you feel at the mercy of events, caught up in a thousand thoughts, drowned in emotions ?...

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Red Tent “Souls of Passage” – New Moon May 9

Life and death, two sides of the same coin. Yet everything in our time makes us experience these two aspects as something profoundly separate and in antithesis to each other. I have been proposing this meeting for a few years now, because I strongly desire that no...

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Red Tent “Tales of Childbirth” – April 16

We carry Life for nine months. Sometimes at first we have a little trouble getting used to this new condition Sometimes the greatest difficulty can occur when the time comes to "let it go" Ideas, desires, hopes and expectations are being formed fears doubts...

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Red Tent “Desire for Motherhood” – Feb. 15

I have met in my life many women, rich in talents, intense, funny ... without children-some because "they didn't come," some because "she didn't want any," some because "she didn't find the right man," some because "it was never the time," some because .... "why? But...

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Women and Motherhood: 3 special meetings dedicated

2018 will also see a new round of Red Tents dedicated to themes related to Motherhood and to all women who in any way have desired, touched, touched or experienced motherhood. Here are the first 3 dates: February 15, 2018 - DESIRE FOR MATERNITY. '"I wish to have a...

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Have you accepted a life without passion?

Curiosity prompted me to want to look up some definitions of the word PASSION; I share with you here what I have discovered is said about passion: Etymology: ← from Late Latin passiōne(m), deriv. of păti 'to suffer, to undergo, to endure' Wikipedia: Passion is an...

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Sadness?…Yes thank you!

Two words about Sadness Wikipedia defines sadness this way: " Sadness is an emotion contrary to joy and happiness." An entire film released a few years ago, Inside Out, was set on the difficult coexistence between the different emotions that inhabit us, and in...

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Red Tent “Women Who Love…” – Dec. 1

At every Red Tent, in some way, we talk about love ... Of love for oneself, for children, for partners Perhaps because in Red Tent we talk about LIFE and there is no life without LOVE. How this love is declined is very personal; what idea each of us has of love even...

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The gifts of the Winter Woman

Dear friend, wonderful rich and brave woman... I see you tired, confused....almost lost. Your energy is down and you seem to have lost your way. The light you shone with at the end of summer, the cheerful and purposeful tone, the planning and the desire to do a lot of...

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Speed Moms® by We Love Moms® – November 11, 2017

Speed Moms - 300 seconds between moms dads and professionals As part of the project dedicated to motherhood that I conceived, designed and implemented with my friend and fellow adventurer Francesca Posenato, WE LOVE MOMS® the Genoa Moms Portal, this truly unique, fun...

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Red Tent “Women in the Mirror” – Full Moon, Oct. 4, 2017

What is your relationship with the mirror? Do you enjoy looking in the mirror or do you do it the bare minimum? What are you afraid to see? How many of us look at ourselves in the mirror? I don't mean that fleeting "settle down" quick look at each other before leaving...

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Red Tent “Women: eros and love” – Sept. 6, 2017

After a short summer break, we celebrate the September Full Moon together by meeting in the Red Tent on Wednesday the 6th. And finally the long-awaited event has arrived: Women, Eros and Love And so it is time for us to venture into this world with a first meeting...

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“That time … I was born or reborn” – Red Tent July 24.

Birth and Re-birth: how many times in our lives as women have we gone through them? Women are born from their mothers' wombs ...and cyclically reborn to new life ...drawing energy, life force, motivation, passion, and desire to do so each from their own wombs Women's...

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Red Tent “The Men of My Life” – May 11, 6 p.m.

For the first time, men enter the Red Tent, albeit virtually ...all the men in our lives Fathers, grandfathers, brothers, comrades ... their stories, our stories intertwined with their ... feelings, emotions, desires What did they leave us with? What have we left...

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Red Tent “The Women in My Life” – April 13, 2017

In each of us live parts of the women in our family, from the ancestresses whose names we do not even know to the closest grandmothers, mothers, sisters. It matters little whether we like this idea or not ... so it is ... just simply think of our oocyte baggage :-)...

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Walking with your Doula

As a Doula I go to the homes of mothers who call me, at the times they prefer. The purpose: to go as far as possible to meet their valuable needs. But it often happens that the mother-to-be or new mother with her newborn feels like going out, taking a walk. The...

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Red Tent “I, a creative woman” – Feb. 11

How many things do you have in your heart or "in your belly" that you don't give space to and that are waiting to see the light? ideas, plans, dreams? Portal in Red Tent We will chat about it while enjoying the special energy of this February 11, the day of the Full...

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Why having a Doula next door

This article stems from a desire to let mothers-to-be and new mothers know what a Doula, a figure about whom there is much talk today, even in improper terms, can do for them. So , let's make it clear. As I recounted in a previous article(Pregnancy:beware of the...

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When breastfeeding … hurts

Breastfeeding: special nourishment for the baby and the mother/child relationship. Breastfeeding: today strongly advocated by...everyone! Breastfeeding: an important, complex topic because it involves the all-round well-being of the mother (physical, emotional,...

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Mom or SuperHero?

How committed are we to being able to play a thousand different roles, often seemingly irreconcilable with each other, throughout the day? Is there a "way out?" I wrote about this in the article found on the We Love Moms portal "MOM OR WONDER WOMAN?"  

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Blessingway: celebrating the mother-to-be

Dear mothers who are approaching the time of childbirth, did you know that there is a ritual completely dedicated to you? A ritual that allows you to stop and make space for what is happening within you. It is called Blessingway literally "Blessing Way." Originating...

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Pregnancy: beware of the “assembly line”

At a time in history when the only thing that seems to be able to make us stop, or at least slow down, coercively, is illness, we are quick to reassure pregnant women that "pregnancy is not an illness!" Although it is basically true that pregnancy is not a disease,...

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Red Tent for Motherhood: come and meet her

On this site you will find a whole page dedicated to Red Tent and lots of past events and new programming for 2017. If you want to find out meanwhile "on paper" what Red Tent is, I invite you to read an article I published on the We Love Moms portal THE IMPORTANCE OF...

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But are complaints in pregnancy really “normal”?

Nausea, bloating, edema, backache, heartburn .... Classic symptoms of the 3 trimesters ...or so we are told But what does it mean that these are "Normal" symptoms in pregnancy? I say no 😉 I wrote about this in an article published on the We Love Moms portal...

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I desire a child … he does not

I often meet women in counseling who tell me that they strongly desire motherhood but have no support from their partner, if not an avowed "no." What are the consequences for her and him? How to get out of such a situation? I wrote about this on the We Love Moms...

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Endometriosis and ovarian cysts: will I not have children?

Over the past year, I have met in consultation with many women with endometriosis and ovarian cysts. In an article published on the We Love Moms portal, I try to shed light on some of the connections offered by Metamedicine®: "OVARIAN CYSTS, ENDOMETRITIS,...

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Red Tent “The Tent of Mothers” – Dec. 1, 2016

We gather for a new evening of sharing and women's talk in the intimate and protected setting of the Red Tent, a special place that harkens back to the mists of time. the Theme : THE TENT OF MOTHERS. Being born a daughter and growing up a mother, mother of herself,...

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Red Tent “Souls of Passage” – Nov. 9, 2016

We meet again in the cozy Le Maree Center for a new evening of female sharing and chatting in the intimate and protected setting of the Red Tent, a special place that harkens back to the night of time. the Theme : SOULS OF PASSAGE How many of us have known our babies...

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Red Tent “The Generational Backpack” – Oct. 27, 2016

Do you feel that you are traveling in this life with too heavy a load? !! We gather for a new evening of sharing and women's talk in the intimate and protected setting of the Red Tent, a special place that harkens back to the mists of time. the Theme : THE...

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Red Tent “The Myth of the Bad Mother”-October 12, 2016

We meet again in the cozy space of Le Maree, for a new evening of women's sharing and chatting in the intimate and protected setting of the Red Tent, a special place that harkens back to the night of time. the Theme : THE MYTH OF THE BAD MOTHER. we will chat about our...

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Red Tent “The Tent of Daughters” – Sept. 15, 2016

We gather for a new evening of sharing and women's talk in the intimate and protected setting of the Red Tent, a special place that harkens back to the mists of time. the Theme : THE TENT OF THE DAUGHTERS. Whether one is 20 years old or 60, we are or have all been...

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Red Tent Calendar Fall 2016 -The Tides

This fall I decided to bring Red Tent to more places in the city, with different appointments and themes. Here is the schedule of appointments at Le Maree Maternity Home, Corso Torino 9/1 This cycle is devoted to some aspects of Motherhood. Red Tent, an intimate and...

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Red Tent “The Eyes of Women” – September 1, 2016

After a short summer break, we meet again for a new evening of female sharing and chatting in the intimate and protected setting of the Red Tent, a special place that harkens back to the night of time. the Theme : WOMEN'S EYES. women's eyes see ... beyond An evening...

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Red Tent “Woman and Elements” – July 19, 2016

Full Moon RED TENT ON GENOA ROOFS. An evening of women's sharing and chatting in the intimate and protected setting of the Red Tent, a special place that harkens back to the night of time, to reconnect with the elements. I am waiting for you! NUOVI SENTIERI Via Malta...

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Red Tent “Desire for Motherhood” – June 15, 2016

"I wish to have a child..." "I do not wish to have children" ... "I would like to have a child but I can't", "I'd like to have a child but not now, it's too late now..." probably all of us have formulated at least one of these thoughts throughout our lives We will...

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My cycle talks about me – June 8, 2016

FEMININE PATHS : MY CYCLE TALKS ABOUT ME Learning about ourselves through our menstrual cycle. The way in which we experience the various phases of the cycle, the related pains or discomforts, speak of us, how we approach life, the parts we tend to favor and those to...

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Red Tent “Childbirth Betrayed” – May 25, 2016

We carry for nine months Life : sometimes at first we have a little trouble getting used to this new condition sometimes the greatest difficulty can occur when the time comes to "let it go" ideas, desires, hopes and expectations are formed fears doubts difficulties...

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Red Tent “Women and Money” – May 6, 2016

  What is our relationship with money? Is there a connection between the relationship with money and the theme of "value"? Is it possible that the currently your relationship with money is dysfunctional? Is it possible that your relationship with money is...

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Red Tent “In love with you” , April 23, 2016

AAA TRUE LOVE WANTED? In the cozy setting of the RED TENT, in the energy of an all-female circle we will chat about what keeps us from finding "True Love." At Nuovi Sentieri Association, Via Malta 4/5 Genoa for info and reservations : sottolatendarossa@gmail.com

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