We gather for a new evening of sharing and women’s talk in the intimate and protected setting of the Red Tent, a special place that harkens back to the mists of time.
Whether one is 20 years old or 60, we are or have all been daughters.
what daughters have we been? how has our way of being daughters changed over time? How has the way of living life, making decisions, moving in the world, being in relationships, growing up, discovering ourselves as women ..changed in relation to our being daughters?
An evening open to all daughters (of mother earth) to explore a foundational part of our being.
Trusting in a kind September … see you on the roof!
I am waiting for you!
NUOVI SENTIERI, Via Malta 4/5, Genoa
For info and registration: 338.2993549 Francesca – sottolatendarossa@gmail.com