Midwife training “Metamedicine® for the feminine and cyclicity” – Jan. 11, 2020

Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause, Group Pathways, Metamedicine and Surroundings

Specific training for health professionals in Metamedicine® for the feminine and cyclicity

SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 2020 FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. –

CECINA (LI) Zohar Center


– Introduction to Metamedicine®
– The symptom as a message
– Emotional Memory
– Limiting equations and beliefs
– The women’s line
– Introduction to cyclicality
– Main characteristics and critical issues of the different stages of the cycle
– 1st group work on participants’ cycle stories/difficulties/experiences

– Metamedicine® basics for interpreting symptoms
– Symbology and keys to interpretation of the organs of the female reproductive system
– Keys to interpreting “messages from the womb” at different stages of the cycle
– Insight into some disorders/harmonies related to the menstrual cycle
– 2nd group work on participants’ cycle stories/difficulties/experiences


for info and reservation : Barbara via Watsapp 340 917 4302

Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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