Over the past year, I have met in consultation with many women with endometriosis and ovarian cysts.
In an article published on the We Love Moms portal, I try to shed light on some of the connections offered by Metamedicine®:
Over the past year, I have met in consultation with many women with endometriosis and ovarian cysts.
In an article published on the We Love Moms portal, I try to shed light on some of the connections offered by Metamedicine®:
The Thyroid and Metamedicine: a journey between body and emotions The thyroid is a small but crucial gland for our bodies, and problems with the thyroid, whether hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or nodules, are considered signals that the body sends us to signal inner...
Low back pain: Metamedicine and messages from the soul ABCs of Lumbar Vertebrae IntroductionWe start with a simplified ABC of the anatomy of the lumbar vertebrae and then explore the deep meaning that low back pain carries, namely the messages that help us understand...
Back pain: a guide between Physiology and Metamedicine After delving into the lumbar spine, it is time to dwell on another area of the back that often causes discomfort for many people: the back area. It is that part of the back that, when it hurts, can feel like...