Red Tent “Souls of Passage” – New Moon May 9

Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause, Group Pathways

Life and death, two sides of the same coin.

Yet everything in our time makes us experience these two aspects as something profoundly separate and in antithesis to each other.

I have been proposing this meeting for a few years now, because I strongly desire that no woman should ever again feel alone or in need of “getting over soon and well” the grief of an abortion …whether spontaneous or voluntary, in the first or last weeks of gestation.

Carrying a life in our laps, feeling even for a moment that a soul has chosen us to make its evolutionary transition is something grandiose that has nothing to do with the comments and wishes of those around us incapable of understanding what we are really going through.

How difficult is it for all of us to get in touch with our emotions? Then when the emotions in question are deemed to be of the sphere of “negative” ones, we enter the world of taboos-and although we would like to voice our feelings, we find ourselves unable to do so because we are surrounded by people running away from their feelings.

I invite those who feel like delving deeper can read this article: SPONTANEOUS ABORTION – THE FIRST 3 STEPS TO OVERCOME IT

It may happen that we (or a part of us) are the ones saying “no” to this pro-creation – it may happen that something or someone makes us feel that we cannot give space to this soul that has decided to grow inside us at a certain moment of our lives. But even then we risk being forever inwardly divided between what we would have acted on, following our instincts, and what we felt compelled to act on.

Again, the “unspoken,” the “it’s better this way,” the “let’s just make it never happened,” make their way because this is what is said around us and because this is perhaps “better”: to forget as soon as possible.

This meeting in Red Tent really wants to give back a space to all women who have experienced these kinds of events.

A space to tell, to share and to reread what happened with the awareness of the woman we are today.

I look forward to seeing you on May 9 at 6:30 p.m. at Le Maree Center – Corso Torino / corner of Smyrna Street

for info and reservations:


Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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