Red Tent Genoa “Women and Rage” – June 18, 2019

Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause, Group Pathways

Angry women, warriors, idealists, capable of great gestures of love but also of extreme gestures of another sign

Women tired of having to pay with their lives or with the fundamental rights of every human being (freedom, dignity, self-respect) for their choices

Human history is more than 200,000 years old of which only the last 5,000 characterized by patriarchal rule-a trifle in the total tally of history

In the cells of every woman coexist the ancient memories of millennia in which “the feminine” was honored, revered by men and women and recognized as a fundamental resource for evolution in peace, respect and harmony but also the memories of limitations, mutilation, restrictions, death, hunting, slavery of the last 4-5000 years.

All women’s roles have been “codified” : a mother has to be this way, a wife has to be that way, a woman if she wants to have a career has to “man up” and so many other inventions that have created as many false identities; most of us try or have tried to make these masks our own by adhering to the standards in order to survive in this historical moment but whether we want to or not …there is then something deep inside that boils … it is called anger

Can a good mother be an angry woman? Can a good wife be an angry woman?

Hysterical, moody, disturbed are some of the kinder considerations that people around can spend (men and women make no difference….everyone wants to distance themselves from this power/danger) to define (and defining by cornering) women who dare, dare to come forward to break some pattern

Is anger a male or female energy? How much do we allow ourselves to express it? What about turns on and why? What is really underneath our anger? How to channel it?

June’s Red Tent: will be a journey into the “insides” of women with the luminous guidance of the Full Moon and the approaching Summer Solstice (the brightest day of the year)

The Summer Solstice is a time when the conscious world, represented by the Sun, and the unconscious world, represented by the Moon, are brought into communication…. what better occasion 🙂

A Red Tent that, as the summer solstice requires, will have fire and water as its central elements

I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, June 18, 6:30 p.m. in Genoa at Centro Le Maree, Corso Torino 9/1 corner Via Smirne

for info and registration :

Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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