Genoa Red Tent “Women and Freedom” – May 16, 2019

Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause, Group Pathways

The theme of FREEDOM has been one of the fundamental themes for all mankind since the dawn of time

When we relate it to being a woman, the scenario takes on well-defined and explicit connotations sometimes very clear and sometimes more concealed by ideas, prejudices, fashions and beliefs

What does it mean to be free women? are we really free? To what extent is a woman’s freedom a personal matter (of actions, of choices, of will) and to what extent is it a collective matter? social? historical? design?

There is information written in our cells for millions of years, there are historical periods more or less conducive to change and empowerment, there are situations, places communities that encourage freedom and others that deny it-what is underneath it all?

We will talk about all this (and much more) on THURSDAY, MAY 16, supported by the FULL MOON, in the Genoa Red Tent

See you at CENTRO LE MAREE , Genoa Corso Torino 9/2

for info and reservations:


Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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