Red Tent “Blessingway: celebrating a new beginning” – Nov. 8 RED TENT DAY

Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause, Group Pathways

I love organizing Blessingway!

I love organizing moments of celebration and celebration for women

There used to be many rituals to celebrate the most significant passing moments in the lives of men and women…this allowed them to stay in touch with the deeper meaning of each event.

In women’s lives they celebrated birth, first menstruation, marriage, motherhood, menopause … and it was really the “sisters,” the women of the family, the women of the tribe, who did it.

Today, we no longer have our tribe, and often not even family.

Whenever I gather women in Red Tent or Blessingway to celebrate, for example, a mother-to-be as she nears her delivery to nourish her with positive thoughts, the strength, the magic, the love of that red thread that each ties to the other’s wrist confirms to me how important it is to “be together,” to nourish each other.

That’s why I decided to bring the Blessingway to Red Tent on RED TENT DAY (the International Red Tent Day): I want to celebrate all the women who will be attending … we all have something to celebrate, a new beginning.

Whether your “new beginning” is in gestation or already in the making for a while deserves to be celebrated and encouraged.

Meet on Nov. 8 at 6:30 p.m. in Le Maree Maternity Home to celebrate our NEW BEGINNING together.

I invite you to wear something red and bring some flowers that you particularly like.

for info and registration:

Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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