Red Tent “Time to let go: women and the end of things” – Dec. 4

Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause, Group Pathways

The circle is always a source of inspiration and guidance for me in proposing the next Red Tent topic.

At the end of the November Red Tent, a woman, who has been coming to the Red Tent now for more than a year, asked without any delay for a chance to talk about how to “say enough” … to people, situations … enough, end, stop!

The end of things … Saying enough … letting go: what time of year is more auspicious?

Some might say that big cleaning is done in the spring 🙂 but here it’s not about doing big cleaning, it’s about letting what’s ready to come off, come off, what’s ready to die die, it’s about letting “nature” of things take its course without clinging anymore

Because the only thing that really makes us suffer is that clinging

Have you ever seen a tree stubbornly clinging to its leaves so as not to let them go? Or the leaves worry that the tree will suffer if they fall off?

For us it is often not so natural: how hard do we struggle to let things go? What fears do we experience at the mere thought of ending a situation, saying enough to a person, or feeding certain dynamics anymore?

In the darkness of December’s New Moon, we will train ourselves to understand what we are called to let go of at this time in our lives and, in the state of rest that the New Moon requires, we will explore “surrender,” the possibility of surrendering-that is, surrendering into the hands of life what we hold dear.

Genoa – Tuesday, December 4, 6:30 p.m.

for info :

Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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