Transformation and integration are qualities of the feminine that enable us to grow and evolve in harmony with life.
As nature teaches us, nothing is lost everything is transformed.
And so from season to season each woman transforms and integrates new parts of herself both level to inner and outer.
With the beginning of this fall, we have decided to devote an entire 9-month cycle, with one Red Tent per month, to WOMEN’S SEASONS, to deal, season by season with what happens to us on the various planes of our lives.
From month to month we will announce the topic but, for those who would already like to have an idea of the journey we will take, we put here a brief indication of the scanning of times and topics.
October/November/December will be dedicated to FALL-what season is it for women? What gifts, resources, criticalities do we have at this time of year? What goals, plans, desires, do we have? Time to do and not to do what? Where to direct our energies and when and why to retreat?
December/Year/February: We will look at WOMEN’S WINTER to explore with inspiration and vision the depth and magic of this season between darkness and wisdom. What season is winter for a woman?
March/April/May: We will learn about the real potential of THE WOMAN’S SPRING.
June: we will welcome SUMMER together and discover its meaning and resources for women.
From month to month we will publish the specific topics.
TENDA ROSSA ONLINE EPANOUIE was born from the merger of Tenda Rossa Genova and Tenda Rossa Milano founded and nurtured over the years by me (Francesca d’Alessandro) and Carine Maset, respectively.
A natural union to broaden the vision, nurturing the sacred space of Red Tent with more energy by bringing it home to all women who desire it wherever they may be.