The Baba Jaga,
by Fiorella Colombo, actress and screenwriter
is a play loosely based on the Russian folk tale “Vassilissa the Beautiful,” recounts Vassilissa’s encounter with the terrible witch Baba Jaga and the path of initiation that outlines the dreaded transition from childhood to adulthood. With the help of a little doll, a magical and symbolic object, Vassilissa will try to face her fears and the difficult trials that come her way. A show that entertains children and makes adults think, an awakening to a new life of new awareness and profound change.
The show is not only for children, who are called to the stage at the end of the performance to build the grand finale together with the actors, but also for adults, who at the end of the show moms and dads will be invited to the Red Tent to explore with Fiorella and me the main themes of the story, primarily that of INTUITION.
How much space do you give to intuition in your children’s education, how much do I as a parent manage to pass on the “doll” of intuition to my son/daughter?
For all info and reservations: PRO-LOCO OF BOGLIASCO info: 010/3470429 –