Between July and August we will witness (and be called to take part with our energies) in 3 very powerful astrological phenomena-3 eclipses (between partial and total).
“Eclipses make disappear what prevents us from being aligned with the true essence of our experience on Earth” (citing Vision Alchemy).
In order to realign ourselves with our original plan and our Soul, we dedicate this evening near the New Moon and partial eclipse in Cancer (July 13) to exploring our talents, our gifts, our daimons.
“Before birth, the soul of each of us chooses an image or design that we will later experience on earth, and receives a companion to guide us up here, a daimon, which is unique and typical of us. However, in coming into the world, we forget all this and believe that we have come empty. It is the daimon who remembers the content of our image, the elements of the chosen design, it is he therefore who is the bearer of our destiny.”
J. Hillman, The Soul Code.
How many of us feel that we have “lost our way”-have vague memories of what might have been our gifts, our talents as children …only to lose all trace of them
Let’s get together, in the circle of talents, on Wednesday’ July 11 at 6:30 p.m. – Tenda Rossa – Genoa Centro Le Maree Corso Torino 9 /angle Via Smirne.
For info and reservations: