After December’s intense Red Tent dedicated to “letting go” we go into this new year with more space, more openness, more possibilities.
Winter is the time to rest, to welcome insights and think about the seeds for new projects, new awareness, special intentions that will bear fruit in due course.
It is true that life gives us what we need for our evolution, and when we talk about “surrendering” we mean embracing what is there and understanding how what is there can be useful for our journey.
But all this does not exclude the fact that each of us desires to give direction to our lives, to achieve certain goals, to realize certain dreams …and it is precisely by dancing along with life (and not against it) that we can gradually figure out how and where to direct ourselves to realize the life we want and also to understand whether “the life we want” is really what we want or rather what we think we want.
On an evening of a waning moon, we will go in search of what is really important to us and what we wish to entrust to the special energies of winter to receive cues, insights, gifts through which, in due time, we will blossom anew and reap the fruits of our renewal.
An evening to regain clarity and centering, to keep our hearts beating and continue on our path by making loving choices while respecting ourselves.
Thursday, January 10, 6:30 p.m. Le Maree Center – Corso Torino 9/1 corner of Smyrna Street
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