I deal with
Female 360°
Awakening the harmonious feminine
a journey of awareness and transformation
I have been involved in women’s work for 15 years, ever since I necessarily had to
get a grip on my feminine, that part of me that I had lost on the road, covered, buried, disguised despite (as I was told from the outside) “looking very feminine.”
Life events and my need to get inside things led me to dive into this big world to become a motherhood mentor over time
conscious, cyclicality-now also of perimenopause and menopause-and all-around feminine.
Discover how to integrate a harmonious feminine, at peace with the masculine for:
- have healthy and evolving relationships
- stop succumbing under mountains of (often futile) effort
- Manifest yourself in your essence, rather than through your masks
- To see your personal and professional fulfillment flourish

Female 360°
Rediscover the pleasure of being a woman: discover all your resources
In the center, finally you! Discover the keys to fully enjoy this season
Integrate a healthy feminine and discover the fullness of evolutionary relationships

Conscious motherhood
Sometimes the journey to motherhood can turn out to be different from how we would have
wait. In fact, it almost always is. A pregnancy can make itself wait, even for a very long time or become apparent quickly but bring with it a whole world we have been expecting.
Why? What’s going on? What “doesn’t work”? How does this make you feel?
What happens within the couple?
I have learned, also from personal experience, that really nothing happens by chance and that life is never against us, and indeed, it is easier sometimes that we are the ones who are “against life” without realizing it naturally.
Investigating the root causes that “prevent” us from realizing the motherhood that
we desire or how we desire it (even when there are no established physical issues) becomes an indispensable step in our evolution.
Therefore, I accompany you to explore your feelings, fears and limiting beliefs, knots that, from generation to generation, become entangled.
And if on your winding path to motherhood you have been diagnosed with fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis… do not be frightened and know that they too carry a
Understanding it will help you in whatever direction you decide to go
(surgeries, IVF pathways etc.) to do so in a way that is
Conscious and full of love.
And what happens when you find out you are pregnant?
9 months of journey, amid joys and fears and often little inner space to get through it.
If you want someone to help you make room for your unique experience of motherhood, beyond the thousands of “myths,” advice (often unsolicited), various conditioning: I will be by your side.
One of the things that fills my heart the most are the stories of childbirth.
Childbirth is about us, and the way our child comes into the world will be part of his or her baggage forever. It doesn’t matter whether you gave birth vaginally or by C-section, it matters how you went through the experience, how you felt, what you carry deep in your heart.
So many times I heard “everything went well” just because the delivery had been vaginal…but it was apparent from the narrative that there had been very little that was “natural.”
Whether you have given birth naturally or surgically, had an ecstatic or painful and depriving birth, whether it happened a few months or 30 years ago, telling, sharing, and reframing the ‘birthing experience can enable you to better integrate this transformative passage into your life and perhaps give you a better understanding of the dynamics of your relationship with your son/daughter.

Menarche and Cyclicity:
what a pleasure!
Whether you are 15 or 35 years old, it may be that the cycle is quite a nuisance for you.
Maybe you call what is menstruation a period, because menstruation is not your thing.
Maybe you don’t know or don’t care so much what they are and you are interested in the fundamentals : if I get my period it means I am not pregnant.
Perhaps you experience discomfort in the body, perhaps you go subject to real pain to be soothed on the spot with your preferred medication, or perhaps you experience no particular discomfort in the body but more on an emotional level.
Perhaps managing tampons, blood, and the risk of staining your clothes stresses you out
Maybe you notice at certain times that you are more physically tired and this makes you feel less performing less active, LESS YOU and you struggle to accept yourself like that.
Perhaps you are coming from a particularly nervous pre-menstrual period, you know that you have experienced strong emotions, at times irrational, unexplainable, or not directly connectable to some event, you have experienced nervousness, intolerance, disgust, anger, impatience, and you don’t like this!
Maybe you just saw yourself as a bad person, a woman you don’t like and don’t recognize.
Perhaps when you think of your period you think of an unpleasant time in your month, when you feel limited in the things you can do, more tired, wanting to do nothing, little desire to be in company at the mercy of mood swings.
Well yes, how can I blame you: if the cycle (i.e. what you call it) is this … do you know what pleasure!?
Here 3 things you need to know right away:
1. YOU ARE CYCLIC: This means that each month you go through multiple phases that bring you into contact with different aspects of you, your character, your personality; if you think you are linear, always the same, with only one personality…the cycle sends you into crush! Discover all the women who live in you.
2. MESTRUATIONS ARE USEFUL: In the first instance they give you a great opportunity to regenerate every month … so the problem is not menstruation, it’s that you don’t know them and you don’t know how to “use” them. Discover the gifts of menstruation and all phases before and after
3. MESTRUCTIONS ARE NOT PAINFUL: If they are, it means you are experiencing some disharmony in your relationship with your feminine, and it is time to work on it. Pleasant menstruation? Yes! exist!
And think how wonderful it is to discover all this right at the beginning of cyclical life! We learn to celebrate menarche and pass messages of abundance to our daughters about what it means to be a woman.

finally in the center
And just when I had fully integrated the pleasure of being cyclical, my body began to change pace, heading toward perimenopause. But no! right now?! Yet, as is always the case, everything new awakens my spark of curiosity and has offered me a great opportunity to explore, experiment and identify methods and solutions for living in a way, full, rich, evolutionary, exciting, erotic this season of life.
I went through a concentrate of all possible symptoms in a few months, which was honestly complicated, very complicated!
But the certainty that it was “only” a matter of understanding the messages of the soul through the body to bring my system (body/mind/spirit/emotions) back to a new balance, guided me to find the peace and immensity of this phase.
The tools are there, the scientific evidence too: we were not born to suffer!
Today you can choose to seek help in understanding the wisdom of your body when it manifests itself with pain, discomfort or discomfort, as much during menstruation or other phases of the cycle as during perimenopause and menopause.
I know this subject so intimately, that if you want, we can literally read your life as a woman-I have no crystal ball but a deep knowledge of the subject and the ability to connect with you, and together we make visible, the invisible.

Feminine in harmony: evolutionary relationships
If you are, or have been, a woman with balls, read here.
How are your relationships?
If you feel it’s time to get a grip on the way you go into relationships.
If you feel it is time to know and learn how to express your feminine
If you feel that you want to relieve yourself of the role of “wonder woman” who everything supports, everything does, everything solves
I can guide you toward getting out of the “woman with balls” paradigm and discover the pleasure, the honor, the blessing of being a woman.

A body in harmony with the soul
I’ve been doing bodywork all my life. Sports, nutrition, hormonal system are just some of the subjects I have focused on for years.
I began to delve into the physiology of the human body in my 20s by training as a fitness instructor, and then I broadened the horizon more and more by starting to do research on how what moves within us manifests itself in matter, including the body.
Today I am clear about the connections that lead our bodies to have a certain appearance, size, texture, weight etc.
I love to read people’s bodies, a real open book, and from there start with those who want to, the journey of reharmonization.
I’ve been writing about this for almost a year now, and I hope the book will come to light soon, but I’m in no hurry, I wish it could really be a comprehensive tool to ferry you to make peace with your body by giving you practical tools with both scientific and spiritual foundations.
In the meantime, we can work together on this issue in individual sessions and/or through the pathways or video courses.
The goal is to accompany you to bring harmony back into your system body, mind, spirit, emotions and that this harmony can manifest on all levels.
From my passion for these issues, a project dedicated to cyclicity, Ciclika the pleasure of being a woman, was born, curated together with Carine Maset, soul sister and wonderful professional, .
Here are some fruits of our labor.
If you want to start to independently delve into the basics
Of Cyclicality here are some titles for you:
The Manuela of cyclicality
Celebrating menarche: a gift from mother to daughter
English – soon available
Manual de ciclicidad
Spanish – soon available
Celebrar la menarquia: un regalo de madre a hija
Spanish – soon available
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