Life is made up of restarts, of new beginnings, some decided at the table, some offered by life, and others arrived suddenly without quite understanding why.
The quality of a new beginning is closely related to the quality of what we leave behind and the confidence with which we go into the new.
New beginnings, start well, when there has been “good” closure upstream. This is not always the case: between the closing of one cycle of life and the beginning of the new one some times there is a limbo, chaotic: something has made us detach from the “old,” as if pulling us by the shirt, only to have us find ourselves in a new and unfamiliar space that attracts and frightens us at the same time.
An evening to begin to put our new projects in order, our more or less mature desires to “start over,” and look together at what there is to close or say goodbye to (and how to do it) so that we can move toward the new with the right intention and energy.
Rendezvous Red Tent Online, Wednesday, Sept. 16, 6:30 p.m. – New Moon – and you can connect from wherever you want.
for info and registration:
or whatsapp 338.2993549
To enjoy a good energy space even from a distance I’ll put some tips here (but as always let your instincts guide you in creating the space you feel is most enjoyable for you)
1. choose a red dress, blouse, accessory to wear in Red Tent
2. place near you a small candle, a small cup of water, a stone, some cards or a little notebook that you destine for our meetings – thus we will have all the elements with us (fire, water, earth, air); according to your feeling you can add from time to time something to the center that gives you pleasure (a perfume, a flower etc…). Whatever space, even very small or temporary space you can give to this “little altar” is fine. We learn to be “in what’s there”
3. make yourself some herbal tea, a glass of wine (whatever you like) and some food-the purpose of having something with you that gives you pleasure and reconnects you to “nourishment.”