Each month Red Tent is enlivened by the most diverse women in terms of age, background, life stories, expectations…
But, whether they are still cyclical or menopausal women, whether they are pregnant or without a (physical) uterus anymore each of them brings experiences and emotions that intersect so naturally that they often allow mirroring in each other.
On Wednesday, October 10, we will leave the floor to the
fibrous, bicorn, present, absent, full of memories, ignored, loved, idealized, forgotten
Each woman has her own personal relationship with her uterus and perhaps does not “know” it to the core that is, does not know to the core a foundational part of herself of her physical body, her energetic and emotional body.
In this Red Tent we will give space to the stories, histories, and experiences of our wombs: from the surgeries (for a wide variety of reasons), to the times when we needed to listen to it because it was in pain, from the periods when it housed lives to all the memories that from relationship to relationship it recorded while maintaining subtle links with all the partners we had.
“Energetically, the uterus is the woman’s receptive organ par excellence … it is here that we fix our dreams, our plans, our life; … it is the largest cavity we have in the body and it is here that we store the greatest amount of memory, not only sexual” S.Hurtado
To be in touch with our womb is to be in connection with our creative center.
And what happens when the uterus, physically, is no longer there? We will also talk about this …
See you Wednesday, October 10, under the influence of the New Moon, 6:30 p.m. Le Maree Center.
for info and memberships: info@francescadalessandro.net