Red Tent Cycle “Motherhood and Justice” : July 7,8,9 at NininFestival 2017

Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause, Group Pathways

It was with great joy that I accepted the invitation of Maria Grazia Bisio, the creator, organizer and coordinator of the Ninin Festival in Bogliasco to once again bring Tenda Rossa to the square by declining in this year’s theme at the center of the festival, JUSTICE, with the theme dear to me of MATERNITY.

Therefore, I formulated the proposal of 3 appointments in Red Tent, one for each day of the festival, in the morning, when it is still not too hot and there is not too much confusion around (Red Tent is known to need a space as intimate and protected as possible)

I tell you about them here:

Friday, July 7, 10:30 a.m:

What the connection is between childbirth experience and justice is quite intuitive: just think of how many women have experienced a “sense of injustice” during their childbirth experience. Here, this moment of sharing is dedicated to all those women who have experienced childbirth differently from what they would have liked and have felt a sense of injustice in this.

Saturday, July 8, 10:30 a.m:

Who among us has not questioned what is the “right” way to be a mother? How often do we struggle with feeling that we want to take the “right space” in the family relationship? Once we become mothers our world tends for a long time to be our baby …. slowly comes some faint nudge to take back our space but often it doesn’t feel right or we feel like we are being judged for it. Finding a balance that allows us to be peaceful and thus more accepting and able to meet our children’s needs is a key resource.

Sunday, July 9, 10:30 a.m.:

How often does the world of work seem unfair to those who, like a woman becoming a mother, have to reconcile such different and in some respects antagonistic realities?

All these appointments are FREE but I kindly ask you to please announce yourself by email or phone so we can reserve your place

here is the reference: – 338.2993549

Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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