The Thyroid and Metamedicine: a journey between body and emotions The thyroid is a small but crucial gland for our bodies, and problems with the thyroid, whether hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or nodules, are considered signals that the body sends us to signal inner...
Metamedicine and Surroundings
Low back pain: Metamedicine and messages from the soul
Low back pain: Metamedicine and messages from the soul ABCs of Lumbar Vertebrae IntroductionWe start with a simplified ABC of the anatomy of the lumbar vertebrae and then explore the deep meaning that low back pain carries, namely the messages that help us understand...
Dorsal Pain: a guide to the deeper meaning in Metamedicine
Back pain: a guide between Physiology and Metamedicine After delving into the lumbar spine, it is time to dwell on another area of the back that often causes discomfort for many people: the back area. It is that part of the back that, when it hurts, can feel like...
Neck pain: causes, meaning and solutions according to Metamedicine
Neck pain: causes, meaning and solutions according to Metamedicine The cervical vertebrae are seven small bones that form the upper part of the spine in the neck. Although they are small, they play a vital role in our bodies. ABC Let's discover their key functions...
Learning and attention disorders: what happens in the emotional world of Mother and Child?
Learning and attention disorders: what happens in the emotional world of Mother and Child? Very sensitive topics, which I wish to treat with the utmost respect and love they deserve. More and more mothers come to me in counseling, bringing stories of their children...
Maternal Anger: how to free yourself from suffering
Maternal Anger: how to free yourself from suffering The relationship with the mother is the foundation of our being, the source of nurturing, protection and acceptance. It is through this bond that we begin to know ourselves, to get in touch with our needs, emotions...
The Maternal Wound: Why Look at it?
The Maternal Wound: why look at it? Healing, dissolving and deeply transforming the relationship with our mother is a vital step for our emotional and relational well-being. Today we explore in extreme summary together why this relationship is so vital and how it can...
OBLIGATIONS: WHAT A CHAIN! HOW TO UNHOOK IT One of the things that weighs most heavily on us in life is obligations. Playing "Truth or Dare" with my daughter and granddaughter recently, I realized that all three of us always preferred Truth (laying ourselves bare and...
Suffering: what it is, how to get out of it
We talk about suffering, and we do so in order to really understand it, to understand what it is, what it is for, how we nurture it, and most importantly, how to get out of it, how to go through it, how to free ourselves from suffering. How many people take for...
Cycle of ONLINE Workshops Body, Shape and Weight: what do they say about you? Metamedicine and surroundings
LOVE YOUR BODY How many times have you heard that? In theory ...nothing to object to but in practice, really, how do you do it? How do I make peace with a body I don't like? With parts and features that disturb me? That doesn't represent me? That it's not me? These...
When you leave someone…do you know what you are leaving behind?
When a relationship ends people say ... "we broke up" ...or "he left me" ..or "I left him/her" ... but what will it really mean to leave or break up with someone? From dictionary "leave" means: - Move away from a person or place - separate permanently from someone or...
Metamedicine® Webinar Series.
1. LIVING WITHOUT LAB EL - each of us, from birth, often even from intrauterine life, already carries one (or more) labels : he is good, he is bad, he is fidgety, he is lazy, he is awake, he is a sleeper ... l these are the first and most trivial labels (which...
Exploring Fear and its Symptoms: a Journey into Our Emotional System Let's talk about the exploration of human emotions and feelings: today we will dive into the vast world of fear. We will examine not only what fear is and its various types, but also the implications this emotion can have on our...
The need for recognition Today we talk about the need for recognition, a complex issue that affects different aspects of our lives. The need for recognition comes in many forms: it can be economic, emotional or other recognition. This need is deeply...
Opening doors to abundance Listen well : "millions of people live in the anguish of not being able to make ends meet, others are aware that they are trapped the mechanisms of self-sabotage of which, however, they do not know how to free themselves; some do...
Stress itching: the psychosomatic key according to Metamedicine
Welcome to a journey of discovery within the world of Metamedicine, where today we turn our attention to a topic as common as it is misunderstood in its depth: stress itch, a condition that many of us have experienced, often without fully understanding its deep roots....
Obligations: why do I always feel obligated? Condemnation or choice? How to get out of it? Obligations: why do I always feel obligated? Condemnation or choice? How to get out of it? One of the things that weighs most heavily on us in our daily lives is obligations. Our lives seem studded with obligations. For someone...
The skin: what does it represent according to Metamedicine? And its disorders?
Today's installment 100% Metamedicine, dedicated to a very important organ of our body, by extension and meaning: THE SKIN Let's start by looking at: - what is skin - what the skin represents according to Metamedicine - what...
MONTHLY GROUP MEETINGS Online Live I feel a strong need for many people "on the road" to be together, to share a space and time in which to "GROW TOGETHER" feeling supported, accompanied, free to express themselves and to bring questionable reflections. That's why I...
The 5 wounds: experiential workshops
Do you want a body that mirrors the soul? Free him from the masks! If you follow the live feeds in Youtube you will know that for a couple of months I have been addressing the topic of BODY, shape, texture, weight, elasticity, tone etc.... the whole thing from an...
Free content: start your own exploration!
If you are curious about approaching Metamedicine and my way of working in general, as well as getting lots of valuable food for thought right away for your own personal exploration on your own, you can access the lots of free content you find in : Youtube Spotify but...
We live in a time in history and in a social system in which most of our choices arise from fear: fear of lack, fear of suffering or causing pain,fear of loss fear of not being loved,fear of not being recognized, fear of disappointment, fear of letting go,fear of the...
MENTAL-EGO ONLINE Seminar – February 10/11/12, 2023
I am really happy to be able to offer at this very complex moment in history a Metamedicine seminar that has been instrumental in my transformation Reorganized to be usable online comes the MENTAL-EGO seminar! Have you already wondered where that little voice you...
Let's talk again about affective addictions this time in relation, specifically, to the impact they have on our ability to spread our wings. How do emotional addictions affect us? Why were they triggered? Why do we feed them? Why are we so afraid to SHINE and hide in...
We are all hunting for abundance, like trying to find the chest of gold at the bottom of the rainbow. The truth is that abundance is already present in everyone's life. Then why do so many of us experience lack? It is possible that a part of you "chooses" lack over...
MENTAL-EGO ONLINE Seminar – April 22/23/24, 2022
I am really happy to be able to offer at this very complex moment in history a Metamedicine seminar that has been instrumental in my transformation Reorganized to be usable online comes the MENTAL-EGO seminar! Have you already wondered where that little voice you...
Youtube Metamedicine and surroundings
My Youtube channel Alexandra Francesca d'Alessandro dedicated to "Metamedicine and its surroundings" was born a few months ago. Many hours of direct talks, lectures, excerpts from workshops and seminars for those who wish to approach Metamedicine and Metamedicine of...
MENTAL-EGO ONLINE Seminar – March 26/27/28, 2021
I am really happy to be able to offer at this very complex moment in history a Metamedicine seminar that has been instrumental in my transformation Reorganized to be usable online comes the MENTAL-EGO seminar! Have you already wondered where that little voice you...
Overcoming limits takes kindness
When we think about our limits we often fall into the great sea of illusion: we delude ourselves into thinking we have no limits where we are completely imprisoned by them, and we seem to have insurmountable ones where it would suffice to change our perspective by a...
Metamedicine® and MATERNITY – series of Workshops for mom ( and dad)
Why this series of Workshops? Because there is a lot of confusion on the topic of motherhood, and often both mom and dad fall into it and lose connection with their deep feeling and sometimes even connection with the little one. For everyone, mom and dad, on her...
Metamedicine® workshop “Learning to manage freedom”-September 10, 2020
Have you ever had the feeling of SELF-OWNING SPACES OF FREEDOM? We long for freedom, but there is a part of us that fears it, that believes we do not know how to handle it, that we do not "know how to regulate ourselves," risking overdoing it, making mistakes, making...
Metamedicine Workshop “Meeting Love” – July 2, 2020 Online
Metamedicine® online workshops dedicated to FREEDOM continue. Thursday, July 2, we talk about MEETING LOVE. What is amor? sang Vinicio Capossela ... who knows I think it is one of the existential questions on par with who am I? probably the answer is simple I AM LOVE,...
MENTAL-EGO ONLINE Seminar – May 29/30/31, 2020
I am really happy to be able to offer at this very complex moment in history a Metamedicine seminar that has been instrumental in my transformation Reorganized to be usable online comes the MENTAL-EGO seminar! Have you already wondered where that little voice you...
Metamedicine Workshop “The Courage to Disappoint” – May 28, 2020 Online
Metamedicine® online workshops dedicated to FREEDOM continue. Thursday, May 28, we talk about COURAGE TO DELUXE. Learning to disappoint is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself: how many lives, how many choices, how many sacrifices, how many sacrifices have...
Sexuality in pregnancy
When I introduced Metamedicine® in past articles, I mentioned founder Claudia Rainville's cult book "Every Symptom is a Message"-reissued with new additions a few years ago under the title Metamedicine® 2.0. But among Rainville's formidable books, one cannot fail to...
Pregnancy and couple crisis
In the previous articles,"Metamedicine for Mother and Baby," we have seen how symptoms can present in pregnancy that tell us about imbalances and disharmonious states in our emotions. These states do not necessarily result in symptoms or discomfort or true pathology...
Finding one’s autonomy – online Metamedicine workshop – March 26, 2020
How many of us think we are self-reliant, perhaps because we are working and financially independent, or because from an early age we have been used to fending for ourselves? How much effort does it cost to do everything by yourself? How does it make you feel to think...
AUTONOMY IN THE TIME OF THE CORONO VIRUS In the Metamedicine path I designed for this 2020 LEARNING FREEDOM, after exploring, pacifying and integrating AGGRESSIVITY as a FUNCTIONAL ENERGY that we all MUST KNOW HOW TO DISPOSE I had put on the calendar the evening...
Cycle workshops ONLINE Metamedicine® – LEARNING FREEDOM – basic
Freedom is what everyone wants - at least on paper Freedom is a fundamental right of every living being and yet it is one of the most violated rights in existence. The violation of freedom happens in so many forms that we may not even realize it anymore-it happens...
Midwife training “Metamedicine® for the feminine and cyclicity” – Jan. 11, 2020
Specific training for health professionals in Metamedicine® for the feminine and cyclicity SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 2020 FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. - CECINA (LI) Zohar Center PROGRAM - Introduction to Metamedicine® - The symptom as a message - Emotional Memory - Limiting...
Metamedicine® Milan: MENTAL-EGO January 18/19, 2020
The mental and the ego are interconnected; we often confuse the two. The mental is our servant, but we often give the reins of our existence to the "ego," which makes us misrepresent what happens to us. It so happens that we are no longer "awake" to see clearly the...
Metamedicine “Open the door to abundance”: online workshop series – October/December 2019
We live in a time in history and in a social system in which most of our choices spring from fear (fear of lack, fear of suffering or causing pain, fear of loss, fear of not being loved, fear of not being recognized, fear of disappointment, fear of letting go, fear of...
Metamedicine® Genoa: MENTAL-EGO September 21-22
The mental and the ego are interconnected; we often confuse the two. The mental is our servant, but we often give the reins of our existence to the "ego," which makes us misrepresent what happens to us. It so happens that we are no longer "awake" to see clearly the...
Metamedicine® online conference OPEN THE DOORS TO ABUNDANCE – September 12, 2019
Millions of people live in the anguish of not being able to make ends meet; others are aware that they are trapped in self-sabotage mechanisms, from which they do not, however, know how to break free. Some do not realize that they are closing the door in the face of...
Metamedicine® Genoa “The Fear of Happiness” conference+workshop June 6
We all want to be happy! Really??? Are we really sure that this statement is valid??? Look around and tell me, how many happy people do you see? Perhaps not very many? Why do you think? Problems in the family, too many commitments, worries, illnesses, lacks ... Are...
Metamedicine® Genoa – THE GELOSIA conference and workshop – May 10
As part of the series of lectures and workshops dedicated to Metamedicine® of emotional relationships, on May 10 we will discuss the topic of GELOSIA Jealousy...
GENOA Metamedicine® CYCLE Workshops “Affective Relationships” April/June 2019
A series of workshops dedicated to emotional relationships according to the keys of Claudia Rainville's Metamedicine® starts in Genoa. Our relationships are daily marred by our belief system, which often creates conflict and leads us to experience relationships that...
In this text I talk to you about relationships, addictions, mothers and motherhood, dedicated to everyone even those who are not mothers ... because we have all been children and because there is no separation NEED NURNS DEPENDENCE: Does this sound familiar? If you...
Our relationships are daily marred by our belief system, which often creates conflict and leads us to experience relationships that are not as harmonious or fulfilling as we would like. Do you ever experience the repetition of certain situations in your family, work,...
Theater&TangoOlistic Seminar “The Trust” – March 9, 2019
If you are reading these lines it is probably because Theater and/or Tango have attracted you and you are ready to experience If at this time you are experiencing difficult relationships, conflicts, poor physical and emotional well-being, tensions, worries, fatigue...
Metamedicine® for mother and child
As part of the maternity portal We Love Moms® I publish monthly exclusive articles dedicated to reading the "most common" symptoms and discomforts in pregnancy and postpartum through the keys of Metamedicine®. The fact that they are "common" does not mean that they...
Metamedicine® MENTAL-EGO seminar : November 17/18 Castro (Lecce)
The mental and the ego are interconnected; we often confuse the two. The mental is our servant, but we often give the reins of our existence to the "ego," which makes us misrepresent what happens to us. It so happens that we are no longer "awake" to see clearly the...
Bridge collapse: are we ready for change?
The collapse of the Genoa bridge cannot but be perceived by all as a huge tragedy. A chasm opening up and plunging lives into the void. Each of us identified for a moment with those who were directly affected by this event, and the "I could have been there" was...
The art of rest
I am beginning to realize that resting is one of the most difficult things we can grapple with Rest implies feeling the need to rest Resting implies feeling fatigue, and feeling fatigue is something quite far removed from our current power so polluted and buried but a...
Free to suffer
Accepting that someone (whom you love) is suffering is difficult.... ... especially when you know that that suffering "is a choice" (unconscious) and that "all it would take" is the courage to "look within" to initiate change But what if illness is the only possible...
Savona – Metamedicine® presentation evening.
METAMEDICINE® Presentation Evening: learning to listen to the body's messages and experience emotions with Francesca d'Alessandro and Barbara Borfiga Is it possible that physical discomfort brings you a message? Is it possible that they are an opportunity to change...
Metamedicine® MENTAL-EGO Seminar : Bergamo April 14/15
The mental and the ego are interconnected; we often confuse the two. The mental is our servant, but we often give the reins of our existence to the "ego," which makes us misrepresent what happens to us. It so happens that we are no longer "awake" to see clearly the...
Metamedicine® workshop “Jealousy: how to recognize it and get out of it to live peaceful relationships”
I venture to say that feeling of Jealousy is known to everyone. At least once in our lives we have felt the emotions related to jealousy such as anger boiling inside us only to realize that it was one of the many manifestations of the feeling of Jealousy. Talking...
Metamedicine® workshop “Disorders of the menstrual cycle” – January 25, 2018
Experiential workshop in Metamedicine® dedicated to MESTRUAL CYCLE DISORDERS. An evening to learn more about menstrual cycle disorders through the keys of Metamedicine® and begin personal work to become aware of the emotional blocks that prevent us from living...
Have you accepted a life without passion?
Curiosity prompted me to want to look up some definitions of the word PASSION; I share with you here what I have discovered is said about passion: Etymology: ← from Late Latin passiōne(m), deriv. of păti 'to suffer, to undergo, to endure' Wikipedia: Passion is an...
Sadness?…Yes thank you!
Two words about Sadness Wikipedia defines sadness this way: " Sadness is an emotion contrary to joy and happiness." An entire film released a few years ago, Inside Out, was set on the difficult coexistence between the different emotions that inhabit us, and in...
Metamedicine® workshop “Catching and letting go: a matter of love” – Thursday, Dec. 14
Matters of love are at the center of our lives. No matter that love is chased, shunned, sought after, shunned ... love is part of us. Into the relationship we bring our way of experiencing love, our way of understanding it but also and above all ...our beliefs about...
Metamedicine® LIVING WITHOUT LABEL Workshop – Thursday, Nov. 16
The Metamedicine® thematic workshops in Genoa continue. This time we will talk about LABELS: how many labels do you feel on you? What do people say about you? What do you think of yourself? Have you ever thought that all these ideas about you may limit you deeply in...
Introductory lecture “Metamedicine® for mother and child”
Introductory lecture on coding mother and baby body language according to the keys of Metamedicine® by Claudia Rainville. Nausea? Heartburn? edema? raghades? mastitis? colic? thrush? Let's find out together what these discomforts mean to us. According to a holistic...
Good morning, my name is Sense of Guilt
Good morning! Do we know each other? My name is Sense of Guilt. Surely we have met ... it is possible that you may have shunned me a few times, but most likely you carry me in your pocket with you every day, at work, with family, among friends. I'm a little heavy...
When breastfeeding … hurts
Breastfeeding: special nourishment for the baby and the mother/child relationship. Breastfeeding: today strongly advocated by...everyone! Breastfeeding: an important, complex topic because it involves the all-round well-being of the mother (physical, emotional,...
Mom or SuperHero?
How committed are we to being able to play a thousand different roles, often seemingly irreconcilable with each other, throughout the day? Is there a "way out?" I wrote about this in the article found on the We Love Moms portal "MOM OR WONDER WOMAN?"
Pregnancy: beware of the “assembly line”
At a time in history when the only thing that seems to be able to make us stop, or at least slow down, coercively, is illness, we are quick to reassure pregnant women that "pregnancy is not an illness!" Although it is basically true that pregnancy is not a disease,...
But are complaints in pregnancy really “normal”?
Nausea, bloating, edema, backache, heartburn .... Classic symptoms of the 3 trimesters ...or so we are told But what does it mean that these are "Normal" symptoms in pregnancy? I say no 😉 I wrote about this in an article published on the We Love Moms portal...
I desire a child … he does not
I often meet women in counseling who tell me that they strongly desire motherhood but have no support from their partner, if not an avowed "no." What are the consequences for her and him? How to get out of such a situation? I wrote about this on the We Love Moms...
Endometriosis and ovarian cysts: will I not have children?
Over the past year, I have met in consultation with many women with endometriosis and ovarian cysts. In an article published on the We Love Moms portal, I try to shed light on some of the connections offered by Metamedicine®: "OVARIAN CYSTS, ENDOMETRITIS,...
Metamedicine® Evening: Jealousy
DO YOU KNOW THE FEELING OF JEALOUSY? In what kinds of relationships does it emerge? How does it make you feel? Do you often run into people who are jealous? if you feel that this feeling does not leave you free to experience relationships as you would like, it is time...
Metamedicine workshop “The blame game” – October 20, 2016
DO YOU KNOW THE BLAME GAME? Have you ever found yourself holding someone responsible for your unhappiness or something that happened to you? Or have you ever been accused of causing pain and suffering? How did you feel? What changed in your life after you identified...
Metamedicine® workshop “Affective addictions” – July 12, 2016
Do you feel that you are falling back into the same patterns of suffering? Do you feel helpless in the face of repeated relationship difficulties? Are you tired of power struggles or feeling that you lack something? Through metamedicine it is possible to recognize and...
Metamedicine® workshop “Weight disorders” – May 27, 2016
Metamedicine Every Symptom is a Message: WEIGHT DISORDERS : OVERWEIGHT AND UNDERWEIGHT. Experiential workshop to learn more about weight disorders (over/under) through the keys of Metamedicine and begin personal work to become aware of the emotional blocks that...
Metamedicine® Workshop THE MESTRUAL CYCLE DISORDERS – APRIL 8, 2016
Metamedicine experiential workshop "Every symptom is a message" dedicated to menstrual cycle disorders An evening to learn more about menstrual cycle disorders through the keys of Metamedicine and begin personal work to become aware of the emotional blocks that...