Red Tent “WHAT ARE YOU WANTING TO GET OFF OF?” – Oct. 29, 7 p.m. ZOOM

Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause, Group Pathways

How many times does the woman have to fight? To fight for her rights, for her children, for her job, for her marriage, to make room for herself, to be heard, to be able to assert herself, to pursue her beautiful social beliefs?
Who it is for her personal, intimate sphere, her identity as a woman, or for the collective…. The woman struggles a lot. He struggles too much, exhausting himself in struggles. She becomes an amazon but, at some point, she can no longer take off these warrior “clothes” off her back. She feels that the world out there is an enemy and that she must assert herself. That’s why he “balls out” that he doesn’t have. So it is a double effort, very expensive. The woman has no balls. It is not affirmed how a man can do this because of the natural energy that belongs to him.
But this does not mean that the woman cannot assert herself! In fact. Woman is a most powerful being (who can be a warrior but not as a man does). Woman is capable of giving life, of transformation, of turning everything into life. Woman fights in some ways-but not in the linear mode of the male.
One of the moments in which we felt our power the most was by feeling in women’s circles, red tents or other sharing circles,
Women together, women giving and exchanging their energy, their knowledge, their ability to listen, to welcome, to let emotions flow, to laugh, to cry, to care for each other and for each other’s children–they feel their simple power.
In these difficult times, where fear is taking over, where we can no longer physically touch and be together, Epanouie decided to offer Red Tents online. To share a moment of love, truth, awareness among women. To return to us. To feel how much power resides in each of us. To take care of us, each other. To be able to relax for a moment and feel how much magic we have inside, to give to the world.
Autumn brings with it the opportunity to strip us of dead leaves, that is, ?????????????? from what has covered us to go out into the world outside and completed its cycle.
The cyclic woman meets this possibility, every month, with the ????????? ??? ??????????, which corresponds to the season of autumn and the energy of the Enchantress.
???????? ?’??????????à ?? ?????????? ?? ????? ? “???????” ???????.
The possibility of ???????????? is thus realized. ????? ??????????? ?? ?????? be in a certain way in order to be accepted, for example (helpful, understanding, smiling, welcoming, generous…).
?? ????????à ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ? ?????????? ??? ????? ??????? ??? ???????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????????.
Speaking of tarot, one could compare it to the possibility of ??????? ????’??????????? (Archetype of the Good Mother, creativity, leadership, the woman next to the Emperor, the queen of the party, the one who has to be beautiful and composed in order to be able to lead others and give balance to the Emperor) ???? ?????? (????? ??????, ????? ???????, belly in the air, naked and natural, in total fusion with nature, the sky, the earth … in inner balance, looking toward her inner world, woman who has found illusioned place in the world, magical and free woman, who knows her worth and from through this her knowing how to be herself, without any more socially accepted clothes).
?????? ????????? ??? is ?????????? (???? ????? ????) ??? is ??? ???????????? ??? ?????? ???????? ? ????????? ?? ?????.
In doing so, we can live ourselves in all the forms we can have over the span of our lives, years, months, weeks, days … We are beings in constant motion … always ourselves but always different.
??-???????? ? “??????????”, relieving oneself of social burdens and beliefs about what “we should be” is crucial to getting to be a free, fulfilled and happy woman…. Effortless.
During the red tent on October 29 we will talk about this.
What will we want to strip ourselves of in order to be the Star for a while, to feel in our natural place, to feel our truth and no longer be afraid to live ourselves for who we really are, to find resources to immerse ourselves in happiness without any more guilt, to let go of the lies we tell ourselves for fear of meeting each other.
Oct. 29, 7 p.m. on zoom
??????? ?? ??? ????? ????????? ???

Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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