Red Tent: the sacred space of women

Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause

What is the Red Tent

The Red Tent is historically the sacred place of women, the place where all the passing moments such as the arrival of first menstruation, marriage, motherhood, menopause, illness, and death were celebrated. The red color of the Tent connects directly to the meaning of blood, namely, life and its cycles.

To whom it is addressed

To all women, of any age (who have menstruated at least once) at whatever stage of their cycle they are, menopausal, pregnant, with or without a physical uterus who have a desire to tell and tell about themselves.

Each person’s life story is unique, unrepeatable, extraordinary and as such rich in value and dignity, and sharing it can help themselves and others.

How it takes place

The Red Tent lasts approximately 2 hours, and each participant is free to take the floor or to remain listening, experimenting or simply observing.

Red Tent online

Never did I think I would be able to bring the magical and sacred space of the Red Tent feminine online. Yet when in the early 2020s we experienced the “pandemic” emergency with accompanying separation, fear, uncertainty, I felt that the sacred space of Red Tent had to survive and be put to service. I thus started the Red Tents online to provide a place for women to gather, exchange, share and nurture so that the fire of sisterhood could be kept alive.

So throughout the quarantine period I opened the doors of Red Tent online every 2 weeks and all the women who felt the need to get together, be together, talk about themselves, about what was happening around and within them.

And from there, Online Red Tents became an integral part of my offering-there are no boundaries for women to connect with each other!

Red Tent Facilitator Training

Over time, training was also born within Ciclika for all women who wish to become Red Tent facilitators in their own city and online.

It may be the long experience (more than 300 red tents to my credit), it may be the age of maturity: today what I feel is a desire to continue to train women who can bring this practice to the world, amplifying the healing and wonder of the feminine.

What do I like about the training? Seeing other women shine, seeing them express themselves expand bring their unique way of being facilitated by Red Tent and …. Being able to sit in their circles as a participant :-).

Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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