Metamedicine “Open the door to abundance”: online workshop series – October/December 2019

Group Pathways, Metamedicine and Surroundings

We live in a time in history and in a social system in which most of our choices spring from fear (fear of lack, fear of suffering or causing pain, fear of loss, fear of not being loved, fear of not being recognized, fear of disappointment, fear of letting go, fear of the other, fear of ourselves …).

it is time to turn our gaze to the ABBUNDANCE

as something that belongs to everyone (and not just a lucky few)

Some of us may already know and experience abundance, but it is possible that it affects only certain areas of one’s life-for example, the economic sphere but not the emotional…

how do you say ? lucky at the game , unlucky in love? an ironic way of meaning . “you can’t have it all”

are we sure this is the case???

In these 3 appointments, one per month, we will explore in depth the mechanisms that regulate our relationship with Abundance (money, relationships, creativity etc.) and, through guided exercises, each participant will have the opportunity to delve into their personal limiting beliefs and personal sabotage systems so that they can finally begin to “open the doors to abundance”


  1. THE FEAR OF HAVING IT ALL : October 10, 2019
  2. RECOGNIZE YOUR VALUE: Nov. 14, 2019
  3. SAYING “YES” TO LIFE: Dec. 12, 2019

it is possible to register for individual workshops, although it is recommended that you follow the entire course, enjoying the breaks between appointments to bring the changes that will gradually accrue into the field in your daily life

Where: from the comfort of your own home, you just need a computer or smartphone to access the connection

Cost: €40 for the individual workshop; €100 for those who sign up for the entire cycle – for couples who would like to participate together from the same device, since it is still a personal and interactive work that each person will do during the individual appointments it is possible to sign up for the entire cycle at the very favorable overall rate of €150

for those who attended the introductory evening euro 90 per participant for the whole cycle and euro 140 for the couple

for info and registration:


Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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