Suffering: what it is, how to get out of it

Metamedicine and Surroundings

We talk about suffering, and we do so in order to really understand it, to understand what it is, what it is for, how we nurture it, and most importantly, how to get out of it, how to go through it, how to free ourselves from suffering.

How many people take for granted that life is suffering?

Or how many people are suffering and don’t realize it?

Do you know that statistics say that we are only 10 percent aware and present with respect to what happens to us?

So, it means that, again talking about our iceberg, there is really only a small tip out, and underneath a 90 percent unheard.

So, there are people who suffer but apparently do not realize it. When something in the body starts to malfunction, when they feel sick or have difficulties in the body, then does the bell ring? Not always.

Today I drop the first bombshell and ask:

Why do we like to suffer so much?

Let’s make a premise. It is true that we are all immersed (born and raised) in a system that has always proposed sacrifice today for hypothetical happiness tomorrow.

A system that, if you see it on a daily basis, already proposes at the school level a proceeding by punishment and reward, by mortification basically.

So, today you give up pleasure for something that will come tomorrow. Look in your own small way, which you have around you, the grandchildren, the children at school, you in the office, your relationship with your boss, with colleagues, and you begin to feel how much in your day there is atendency to postpone joy and pleasure.

First duty, then pleasure.

The serious thing is that even when this is not imposed on us from outside, we have learned to do it ourselves.

We integrated the need to suffer.

Bomb #2: What does it mean that we have integrated the need to suffer?

It means that, somehow, we’ve been okay with what we’ve been taught, and we’ve found the benefits.

Let us always remember that when we maintain a certain kind of dynamic, maintain a certain kind of behavior or a certain kind of sickness or disease, it is because we need it in some way.

As I always say, “There is nothing to eliminate, there is to understand.”

So, let us begin to expand that 10 percent awareness of which we seem to be miserable bearers, and ask ourselves again: what good is it for us to suffer?

A small example:

Suffering can serve us to:

  • Attract the attention of loved ones
  • help harbor resentment
  • Helping to compensate for a sense of guilt…

Now to you:

What good does it do you to be a bearer of suffering?

and if you want more insights and insights watch this free webinar on the Metamedicine and Surroundings channel

GETTING OUT OF SUFFERENCE you can, I explain how and the keys to Metamedicine

Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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Metamedicine® Webinar Series.

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