Metamedicine® LIVING WITHOUT LABEL Workshop – Thursday, Nov. 16

Group Pathways, Metamedicine and Surroundings

The Metamedicine® thematic workshops in Genoa continue.

This time we will talk about LABELS: how many labels do you feel on you? What do people say about you? What do you think of yourself? Have you ever thought that all these ideas about you may limit you deeply in the manifestation and realization of you?

“How sensitive you are! Too sensitive! How introverted you are! How cheeky you are” etc etc etc”

Each of us, from birth, often even from intrauterine life, already carries one (or more) labels : he is good, he is bad, he is agitated, he is lazy, he is awake, he is a sleepyhead … these are the first and most trivial labels (which then are not trivial) that come to mind when I think again of an infant in the womb.

Everything we are told, and even what we are not told, is recorded in our emotional memory and it will be the care of our unconscious and our desire to survive to adhere to that label: if mom says I am good … I AM GOOD and I will do everything to be so … if dad says I am agitated …. I AM AGITATED and I will do everything to be so … because we need as soon as we come into the world to KNOW WHO I AM and no matter what label is attached to us WE NEED TO EXIST.

If, as a parent or adult seeking answers, you would like to better understand these “labeling” mechanisms and figure out how to get rid of them, I invite you to the Metamedicine® LIVING WITHOUT LABEL Workshop evening.

A theoretical-experiential workshop, with limited number of participants, to understand the mechanisms through which we label and are labeled, what labels we carry, how these labels have conditioned our lives to date, what advantages and disadvantages they have brought, how to get rid of them and let us be ….simply ourselves.


This workshop can be booked individually or as part of the track that includes a total of 4 workshops (one per month between November 2017 and February 2018).

Cost of individual workshop: €45

Cost of the 4-workshop package: €170

LIVING WITHOUT LABELS Thursday, Nov. 16 from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m., Genoa at Centro Olistico Via Malta 4/5

for info and reservations:

Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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