Metamedicine Workshop “Meeting Love” – July 2, 2020 Online

Group Pathways, Metamedicine and Surroundings

Metamedicine® online workshops dedicated to FREEDOM continue.

Thursday, July 2, we talk about MEETING LOVE.

What is amor? sang Vinicio Capossela …
who knows
I think it is one of the existential questions on par with who am I?
probably the answer is simple I AM LOVE, and by uttering these words even for a moment we will feel a powerful vibration go through our bodies.
But then what? In everyday life? how do we do it? Where do we “get stuck”?
How many times did you think it was love and instead…?
What does it mean to live a loving relationship? What is not a love relationship?
How many other feelings do we confuse with love? (need, lack, fear of loss, fear of not being seen/loved/wanted, and more).
Let us clear the field of ideas, fears, conditioning and continue on our journey to freedom by learning to open ourselves to Love as a source of life, warmth, nourishment and freedom.

Why an appointment on love in the path dedicated to freedom? brief summary of previous episodes

We met, got to know and learned how to use our aggression as the ability to ad-gredit, we focused on the addictions and antidependencies that have kept us bound by finding autonomy, we have reconnected with courage as a space from which to feel and act with new resources: we are finally ready to
love for ourselves, love for a partner, a friend, a child…Love with a capital A.


– cost €40includes: Live workshop + exercise handout + recording of your lifetime evening

Know that if you would like to go the whole way, you can still purchase the 5-meeting package at a cost of €200 and receive:
– audio/video recording of each evening
– Handouts with questions for guided personal exploration
– opportunity to hear from us via email or phone for concerns, questions, feedback with respect to what should arise.


for info and registration :

Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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