Savona – Metamedicine® presentation evening.

Group Pathways, Metamedicine and Surroundings

METAMEDICINE® Presentation Evening:

learning to listen to the body’s messages and experience emotions

with Francesca d’Alessandro and Barbara Borfiga

  • Is it possible that physical discomfort brings you a message?
  • Is it possible that they are an opportunity to change what in your life is not as you would like?
  • Can the suffering experienced in the past affect the present and the future?

Metamedicine® searches for the root causes of the discomforts and scenarios that recur in your life to help you understand and overcome them.

Metamedicine® leads you toward autonomy: when you learn to ask yourself the right questions, to find your own answers and solutions, you stop putting your happiness in the hands of others.

Francesca d’Alessandro: consultant and animator of Metamedicine® certified by Claudia Rainville

Barbata Borfiga: Metamedicine® practitioner in helping relationship

learn more Metamedicine® every symptom is a message

Thursday, May 31, 8:30 p.m. – FREE ENTRANCE – RESERVATION REQUIRED

Atma Holistic Association – Vico Mandorla, 6 – SAVONA

tel. 345 9335865 – 347 6861802 | –


Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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Suffering: what it is, how to get out of it

We talk about suffering, and we do so in order to really understand it, to understand what it is, what it is for, how we nurture it, and most importantly, how to get out of it, how to go through it, how to free ourselves from suffering. How many people take for...

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