If you are experiencing a time of crisis or difficulty on a professional, personal, existential level, it is likely that this is a great opportunity for you to Make room for your true nature, to your potential, to your talents, to your actual capabilities sWithout a little childish ego continuing to hold on to old ballasts. that don’t allow you to fly (the ones you probably considered “certainties” until now).
If what is happening outside (and inside) you are no longer comfortable with … take this opportunity to find out what new seeds you can plant or what fruits are already there ready to be harvested (and that you are not even aware of).
If you are willing to take the risk to be happy, to fulfill your desires (work, family, personal) it is time to start the journey.
The course consists of individual ONLINE and content meetings and customized offline practices.
The duration is 5 months but can be customized according to your time, goals and progress.
you feel that the world as it is now is tight for you and you want to change something in your life
You feel that despite all your efforts you are not getting the results you desire
you feel you have untapped potential but don’t know where to start
you feel that you “would like to” but are afraid
You feel that you don’t have enough confidence in yourself to allow yourself to be who you are
you feel that whatever you do is never enough
you feel that you were not born to toil
you don’t feel appreciated
you don’t feel seen and recognized
If you have project in the drawer that you haven’t had the courage to bring up yet.
If you want practical help in bringing your heart project into the world.
if you want practical help in transitioning from one activity to another with the assurance that you won’t get lost along the way
if you want to create or restructure your PERSONAL BRAND in an effective and authentic way (no to rebrands of facade, yes to rebrands of substance)
you think life is about sacrifices and forced choices
you think that “by now” it has gone like this
you think that you don’t want to disappoint the people who are important to you–realizing yourself (because they haven’t allowed themselves to)
€ 2100