by Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro | Aug 27, 2020 | Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause
Discover the Power of Individual Menstrual Cycle Reading Do you feel stuck with home, children, work and duties? It is time to take back control of your life. I know how you feel, I’ve been there myself. And I can tell you that there is a way out. At Ciclika we...
by Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro | Feb 10, 2019 | Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause, Group Pathways
Women’s spring Every woman experiences during her existence the gifts (some obvious, some to be known) and criticalities of cyclicality. Each woman experiences in her cyclicity the possibility of being “at least 4 different women each month” and...
by Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro | Jan 2, 2019 | Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause, Group Pathways
Red Tent Genoa is going for two! Welcoming the invitation to bring the magical women’s circles to life in Savona as well, we will explore on a quarterly basis “THE SEASONS OF WOMEN” Every woman experiences during her existence the gifts (some...
by Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro | May 29, 2018 | Group Pathways
Raise your hand if a man would like the instruction booklet to really understand the woman next to him? Cyclical, moody: women can appear to men loving and welcoming at some times, irrepressible and devastating at others How to relate to all these seemingly so...
by Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro | May 27, 2018 | Female 360° cycle, motherhood, fertility, menopause, Group Pathways
In Red Tent we talk about “life,” and talking about life without contemplating change seems impossible. Sometimes it seems to us that someone succeeds very well in opposing change with granitic determination …perhaps with some backlash Why oppose...